what change do you want to make?

man and woman talking
Consulting & Coaching

Thirty years of experience helping C-Level executives get exceptional results.

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man speaking to audience

Entertaining, educational and inspiring presentations with maximum value for your team.

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man speaking at seminar

Transforming leaders and teams from the inside out for 30 years with our patented training programs.

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Are You Experiencing:

This is Dan McArthur

With more than 30 years of experience working with business owners and top executives, Dan empowers them with insight and practical tools to achieve meaningful direction in their endeavors. Dan has a rich academic background in organizational development, having earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology, and then master’s degrees in both organizational leadership and industrial and organizational psychology.

C-Suite executives come to Dan for Dan assistance with management training, conflict management, and inspiring leaders through coaching and presentations. He tailors his services to fit each client’s needs, timetable, budget, and desired outcomes.

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Find out what it’s like working with Dan (in 2 .5 minutes)

Dan has a natural ability to guide people and teams towards their goals using a collaborative approach. The material Dan teaches is one of my most valuable tools that I continue its use in everyday management and mentorship. I highly recommend Dan for company team building and executive level strategy sessions.

Maili Morrison, Executive VP at CoHo Services

Clients Include

"If an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends. If it is broken by force by an inside force, life begins. Great things always begin from the inside."– Jim Kwik
